Design-wise, it tries to mimic the form of an everyday humidifier but because of the fabric, might be} more texture to it. The product render exhibits have the ability to|you possibly can} even use the highest part as a vase or a pot in case you need to add a bit of color or ornament to the otherwise plain-looking device. I don’t know if you can add color to the fabric itself, in case you’re not a fan of clay’s pure color. Some could say that the form and design is a bit phallic but hey, if actually works} Direct CNC as a humidifier, then so be it.
Design-wise, it tries to mimic the form of an everyday humidifier but because of the fabric, might be} more texture to it. The product render exhibits have the ability to|you possibly can} even use the highest part as a vase or a pot in case you need to add a bit of color or ornament to the otherwise plain-looking device. I don’t know if you can add color to the fabric itself, in case you’re not a fan of clay’s pure color. Some could say that the form and design is a bit phallic but hey, if actually works} Direct CNC as a humidifier, then so be it.